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M/V «Frakt Sund»

Phone: +47 48 89 37 15
Call sign: 5BBD4
IMO NO: 9374727


Built: 2009
Flag: Cyprus
Type: Multipurpose Dry Cargo Carrier
Ice Class: NO ICE
DWTCC: 4650t
GT: 2967t
NT: 1602t
LOA: 89,95m
BEAM: 14,4m
Draught: 6,19 m
Airdraft: 21,5 m

Hold: Length/Width/Height 62,3m/11.7m/8.12m
Hold capacity: 202010 ft3 / 5717m3
Hatches Pontoon System
Max hatch top loading: 1.6t/m2
Max tank top loading: 15.0t/m2.
Portable bulkheads (4) may be placed in 6 positions for cargo separation
CO2 fire extinguishing system in hold
Certified for the carriage of dangerous goods of IMO Class: 1.4, 2, 3, 4, 5.1, 6.1, 8, 9
Class Notation: General cargo ship/Unrestricted/AUT- UMS/Heavy Cargo (150 kN/m2) Strengthbottom. GMDSS: A3
Main Engine: MAK 6M25 1980kW .
Consumption: 6,5 mt MGO per day at about 12,5 knots

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